
Exciting Events at Cookie’s Island

Join us at Cookie’s Island for a variety of fun-filled events designed for all ages, ensuring a memorable experience for the entire family!

Parent and Toddler Activities:

  1. When: Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM & noon (Term Time Only)
  2. Activities:
  3. Monday/Friday: Nursery Rhymes, Story Time, Messy and Sensory Play
  4. Tuesday/Thursday: Mini Bakers sessions
  5. Wednesday: Arts and Crafts
  6. Details: Free with admission. Includes ride-on cars, colouring activities, and stories. Monday and Friday activities alternate.


SEND Play Sessions:

  1. When: Sunday Mornings, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
  2. Activities: Soft play designed to be more relaxing, enjoyable, and accessible for children with SEND and their families.
  3. Pricing:
  4. 6 months – 2 years: £3.50
  5. 3-11 years: £7.50
  6. Adults: £2.00
  7. Note: Proof of SEND is required for a discounted price. General admissions start at 10:00 AM.
